
February 9, 2008 at 5:44 pm (Dear Diary)

Dear Diary,

I’m feeling pretty down in the dumps today for several reasons, so I decided against going to Hogsmeade even though I had originally planned on making the trip.  I just have too much to do here, and since Arithmancy homework is likely to take me the rest of the day today AND all day tomorrow, I can’t expect much of anything.  I’m tired and very irritable today, and I feel horrible for anyone around me.  I’m also cry-ish moody, with no hormonal imbalances to blame for it.

The good news is that I sent off my spoilee’s package yesterday, I’m getting closer to finished on my sister’s babies’ present (the goal is Wednesday), and I haven’t killed any small wizardlings or Malcolm yet.

I sure wish Arithmancy was going better than it is – I really do think that’s causing most of my stress related mood issues right now.  It doesn’t help that campus has been closed for the last two days, removing the day we were supposed to be able to ask questions in Arithmancy about our homework that is now due on Monday.  I don’t understand it, and now I have to figure it out without anyone to answer my questions.  *sob* yep… I think that’s my problem.

I guess I’d better get back to it – next time I take a break from studying I’ll be a bit of a sheep and do the ‘about me’ meme.  I haven’t decided yet which one I’ll do – all the ones I’ve seen from the lovely Ravenclaw ladies have been interesting and unique!

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